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Writer's pictureJonathan Doroski


Updated: Apr 13, 2018

Trump is authentic.  Authentic connects.

Trump is innovative.  Innovation inspires.            

Trump is courageous.  Courageous empowers.

Trump is energetic.  Energetic energizes! 

From my perspective, Trump is all that is great and unique about Americans.  An original, independent human system, 100% free to focus his concentration on his instinct and sense of reality to select and sequence, the most powerful combination of information available, to help him excel, win, and connect to feeling happiness. 

Similar to Melania, I was born in an Eastern European communist country - Bulgaria.  The feeling of communism is always and everywhere, the opposite of feeling free.  There is no choice.   Before action, I had to stop and think about not only what I wanted but also what they wanted.  Getting behavior wrong got humans killed.  Only a few months ago, a North Korean supervisor was executed for slouching.  

When I first came to the USA (9 years old/4th grade,) I was amazed to watch my schoolmates behave without thinking.  Even when their behavior looked stupid, I appreciated how their senses directly connected to the reality of the moment.  I always had to stop myself first!

I suspect, Trump is attracted to Eastern European women because, while an American woman’s focus on her pre-existing relationship expectations, the Eastern European woman focuses on and enjoys the fact that Trump feels free to surprise, to be an original, to connect to reality.

Trump prevails because his focus directly connects to the process of reality.  I developed connections to the primacy of processduring my first 10 years of life.  Due to manmade political climate change, I was uprooted 3 times, to 3 distinctly different countries.  I survived and prospered by focusing on similar process, to help me identify the “correct” label. 

At first, survival required that I focus on mirroring and imitating.  Easy quickly becomes boring.  While my classmates had lots of issues going on inside their brains, I had no time-past baggage.  My cognition was 100% free to be inventive and integrate my additional information.  Inventive and free to focus my concentration, I excelled and I won.

As a nation, all Americans have the unique, no-baggage advantage.  The USA is 240 years young.  We are not shackled to time-past labels and traditional procedures designed to fit time-past realities.  Americans are the most innovative and the most advanced because we are free to focus on time-now process of reality.  New moments demand new thinking.  I hear the label “practical” but, from my perspective, Trump prospers because he is naturally focused on the primacy of process.  

In the 1990’s when Bulgarians were first visiting NYC and were amazed by the skyscrapers, I insisted on reminding them there exists a rock-solid authentic foundation and uncompromising integrity of construction that building a skyscraper requires.  Trump’s construction expertise connects to trustworthy.  Given the choice between a builder of skyscrapers and Hillary, a promoter of sustainable, America choose Trump.

For the past 24 years, advances in technology have made it possible for me to live in two countries, 3 cities and maintain 4 residences at a doable price.   My comparative study has continued.  My perspective is substantiated by 24 years of information.

I view Trump as exceptionally aware of the communication process.  Mirroring is a technique used by intelligent, self-assured humans to instantly eliminate the distance that naturally exists between different humans.  I suspect that at Wharton Trump learned that the first step toward successful negotiations is to immediately initiate a positive personal connection, to establish a receptive communication channel for transmitting subsequent information.

Trump is not a bigot.  However, it is alarming how many Americans only have the bigot sequence to connect to, to communicate their feelings of dissatisfaction with status quo reality. 

Mass media was too busy occupying our cognition with trivia,fear, same-old “sustainable,” “rethink,” “no brainer” and pandas, whose life process is as admirable as that of sloths.  Mass media ignored informing us that the life altering reality Americans suffered was triggered by the fact that the minute the Berlin Wall fell in the west, US manufacturing flew east to China.

If contact with Russian communists and contact with Eastern European communists was no longer “politically incorrect,” Americans whose prime value is economics, connected that contact with one billion Chinese communists was no longer “politically incorrect!”

Trump loves the USA.  The people of the world love the USA.   Mass media uses the misleading label “economic migrants.” If economics is the prime motive, shouldn’t migrants be risking life to go to China? 

America is made up of individuals from all points of our planet.  It is the wealth of diverse information that fuels American ingenuity.  Connectivity of different information is power.  North Korea is united and connected, but each brain only has the same information.  North Korea is starving.  The freedom to communicate different individual information to one another is what makes America the most powerful country on our planet. 

When I returned to Bulgaria 24 years ago, the first new information that made an impression on me was when someone commented that the only difference between the US and the Bulgarian constitution is that the Bulgarian constitution does not have the word “happiness.”  It is an interesting connection that, 24 years later, on the main monument in Sofia’s main park, graffiti, in German, proclaims “Marxism has no heart.”

In German, “Marxism has no heart!!!”

          November 2016, Borisova Garden, Sofia, Bulgaria

The unalienable Right to the Pursuit of Happiness is the signpost the Founding Fathers included to secure the freedom of individual instinct.  Happiness does not connect to same-old sustainability.  Coerced or pressured to be less than you sense is your potential does not connect to feeling happy.  The pursuit of Happiness only connects to trying to be the best you can be, in the direction of forward and up - an endless becoming more and more ideal.   

From my freedom loving perspective, Trump’s election victory is a-long-time-coming evidence that the independent, progressive spirit of the American psyche survives!

America is great.  Trump is motivated and able to help America reconnect to the reality of its greatness.    

“We are diamonds taking shape….”

 Coldplay, 2012

Ioanna Iankov


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